Friday, September 13, 2013

Just Kids!

It has been my privilege for the past several years to teach History to our junior high students in addition to teaching first graders full time. It can be a challenge-- in terms of time, preparation, and in the difference between children of  6 and 7 and those who are entering their teens. It's always rewarding and never, ever dull!

We had a special program on Wednesday by a young woman who represented the NED program--Never Give Up, Encourage Others, and Do Your Best. A part of her program involved yo-yo skills. Now, I grew up in the day when yo-yos were made of wood and provided endless hours of entertainment for those who were interested. I really didn't know how our junior high students would react to this program and the very low tech toy used in the presentation. Imagine my surprise when they 1)loved it and 2) wanted a yo-yo for themselves!!, having completed their classwork and because it was Friday, I took the 7th graders and their yo-yos to the playground and they entertained me with their newly learned skills. Who knew that a simple yo-yo could be such fun in this day of hand held video gadgets and pocket cell phones! Who knew that they would be laughing and giggling and just having fun!!

It was a joy to see them being -----   JUST KIDS!!

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