Saturday, September 1, 2012


I rearranged my classroom desks yesterday. I usually do this after a few days of school when I figure out who needs to sit where and why! Sometimes it works and sometimes it requires tweaking at a later time. Some children find friends no matter where they sit!!

I gave the idea of 'rearranging' some thought and realized that we are constantly rearranging something. It might be in our personal life or in our job or in our Christian walk but unless we are willing to change every now and then we are going to hit some hard bumps in the road.

I've been a part of FBS since 1981 and until we moved into our new building we rearranged on a weekly basis. We shared our space with Sunday School and there was always someone who was moving desks on Friday and then again on Monday. And it worked! I think it helped us understand the concept of shared ministry.

We still share some of our space but we aren't doing the constant shuffling that characterized all those years of being in the church building itself. I'm glad for that but then again a part of me misses seeing the Sunday School materials sharing space with my teaching materials on the shelves and I miss the satisfaction of having room decorations and wall decor that I knew would please the Sunday School crowd. I sometimes miss being in the church building. It was a great place to be.

I've had to rearrange my thinking with regard to working with Mrs. Pipes. Don't get me wrong---I enjoy working with Mrs. Pipes. She is doing a FINE job of leading FBS. She's got energy and enthusiasm and she is all for her staff and her students. I  really appreciate her. But----I worked with Mrs. Hadley for many years. Not only did we have a work relationship, we had a frienship. And I used to tell her that the day she decided to leave FBS was the day before I would decide to leave FBS. Little did I know that when she made the decision, the 'Message' I received was loud and clear--I was not to leave. I'm SO glad I didn't. I've had to rearrange some things but I can tell you that I enjoy working with my administrator.

I'm so glad that God occasionally rearranges my thinking so that I see things from His perspective instead of mine.

May He bless you and keep you. Be open to rearranging.

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